
Showing posts from July, 2016

Which of the following means temporary withdrawal of a drivers license or driving privilege for a definite period of time?

Question: Which of the following means temporary withdrawal of a drivers license or driving privilege for a definite period of time? A. denial B. Suspension C. Revocation D. cancellation Click here to know the Answer Suspension

A steady circular ______light if at all practicable drivers must stop before entering the intersection.

Question: A steady circular ______light if at all practicable drivers must stop before entering the intersection. A. Yellow B. Green C. Red D. None Click here to know the Answer Yellow Hint: * Steady Red Light (Stop): An operator of a vehicle facing a steady circular RED light/signal means stop completely before entering the intersection or the crosswalk.

When you see a sign warning you that there is a school ahead you should do all of the following EXCEPT:

Question: When you see a sign warning you that there is a school ahead you should do all of the following EXCEPT: A. Watch for children B. Honk your horn C. Slow down D. Be prepared to stop suddenly Click here to know the Answer Honk your horn HINT: You are near a school. Slow down, and prepare to stop suddenly if necessary. Watch for children.